Friday, 7 September 2007


So Police now suspect that Kate McCann is involved in the death of their daughter Madeleine. Interestingly enough we were out for a family meal on Saturday and my Dad suggested that he smelt something fishy about the whole thing; he even went as far as pointing the finger at the parents. We all looked at him as if he had just jumped on a new born puppy's head - how could the parents possibly be involved? After the huge outpouring of support and sympathy from the public across the world, how could they possibly have been involved in her 'murder'?

Something is rotten in Denmark and its not the contents of Prince Hamlet's lunchbox.


SammySeal said...

As Barry Bear's dad I now feel a bit guilty about my comments. However I do not seem to be out of line with the growing feeling in the media and on the internet about the issue. Hopefully the truth will emerge sooner rather than later.

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