Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Did anyone see ITV's challenger to The Apprentice last night - TYCOON? What a pile of dog shit! Why does anything shown on ITV look absolute rubbish? I cannot remember the last time I saw something decent on the channel.

Tycoon featured a blurred cocktail of average nobodies with crap ideas who were hoping to make it big as an entrepreneur. The ideas ranged from the idiotic to the absurd - a woman with a new vodka and fruit drink for the marketplace - yeah like there isn't 500 different ones available already. Said woman took two weeks to come up with a name for her beverage and then devised its only USP - it's 'refreshing'! Brilliant, have £20k love.

How about the old biddies trying to flog gardening gear to 'girls only' - pink wellingtons etc. Pure inspiration! Peter asked them to come up with a new name because their original wasn't appealing enough to a wider audience - they agreed on 'Sod' although my choice would've been 'Compost Slags'.

The best idea however was a guy who 'invented' a bag to transport carrier bags when you go to the supermarket - it was so groundbreaking that we didn't even get to see it. He did somehow manage to sell some though, possibly to his mum. The guiding investor for the show Peter Jones lacks the guile, aggression and aura of Mr Sugar but he does have his own coat of arms apparently:


I wonder if my good friend Fat Edgar has his own coat of arms? A wheel of Edam flanked by a couple of sizzling sausages perhaps? Send me a pic and I will post it on the site!

Anyway, I am now off to invent a radio controlled pigeon that fly around London dropping liquorice torpedoes on unsuspecting Japanese tourists.


richashby said...

Gladly I missed it, as was watching an Icelandic film about geese.

The Peter Jones website is truly awful. Is it just me or does the image under 'My Porfolio' resemble Jack Nicholson in The Witches of Eastwick?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Fat Edgar said...

Peter Jones is an awful, AWFUL man.If i ever have the misfortune of meeting him i would like to go right up to him and scream into his face "YOU SICKEN ME YOU SMUG FUCKING CUNT!!!"

How about my new invention Peter? it's a pair on knitting needles for nailing your bollocks to your fucking forehead, you twat. DO YOU FUCKING LIKE THAT!?!?!?!